Saturday, August 1, 2009

2nd Day at Camp Hughes

Well, today was a pretty good day at camp! My camp director, Bonnie, told me I had to eat my breakfast because we had a big day ahead of us. We went on a long hike this morning, and saw bicycles and joggers and all kinds of neato smells. Mocha and Amos went too, and Uncle John came too. Wink doesn't hike. I'm starting to like her more. Mocha and I play a lot, but I think Amos is a lot of fun to wrestle with too. After some rest time, we did some crafts and sang songs. I hope we get to have a campfire tonight. I don't really know where mom and dad and grammie are, but this has been a very fun camp. We don't sleep in tents though, since I brought my crate along. Besides it's kinda hot out, and so it's nice to have air-conditioning. I miss my mommie and daddie a little bit, but this camp has been so much fun that I don't miss them very much. I have written these blogs so mommie doesn't worry about me. I'm having so much fun I hope I get to stay a lot longer! I'm sending a couple of pictures tonight. I think I wore Mocha out finally. And then I had to have a nap too.